Submission to MFAT by NZIBF on the proposed green economy join working group with Chile and Singapore

“Positioning New Zealand In A Time Of Uncertainty”
Remove ADDRESS TO THE SHEPHERDS WELLINGTON, 10 FEBRUARY 2020 STEPHEN JACOBI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NZ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FORUM My thanks to my friend and New Zealand’s new Special Agricultural Trade Envoy, Mel Poulton, for the invitation to join you this morning. Mel...
The Great Unravelling
Remove The trade war is spawning an increasingly chaotic global trade environment, where the old conventions about sticking to the rules and using quiet diplomacy to solve problems seem to be unravelling. That is not good news for New Zealand – or for the...
APEC in PNG: Putting the “P” in Asia Pacific
Remove Leaders, Ministers, senior officials and business people from the 21 economies from APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation – gather this week in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, the first time this Pacific economy has hosted. Trade, investment,...