by TradeWorks NZ | Jun 11, 2015 | Trade Working Blog, Uncategorized
Remove The leak of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) text on transparency for pharmaceutical purchasing agencies shows many things, but one thing above all – the United States and the US pharmaceutical industry is not getting its own way in this negotiation. Previous...
by TradeWorks NZ | May 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
Remove After weeks of political and procedural wrangling the United States Senate has finally approved (22 May) a bipartisan bill authorising the President to conduct trade negotiations and complete the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as well as the Trans Atlantic...
by TradeWorks NZ | May 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
Remove On a rare day in Washington recently it looked as though the Congress and Administration could finally agree on something. Congressional leaders from both sides released for discussion a draft ‘fast track’ trade bill to authorise the President to conduct and...
by TradeWorks NZ | Apr 11, 2015 | Uncategorized
Remove The wildest speculation and misinformation is being spread about by those opposed to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). It is claimed TPP is not a trade agreement. TPP is about trade – and investment and jobs and everything else that impacts on the way...
by TradeWorks NZ | Mar 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
Remove The signing of New Zealand’s FTA with Korea is another “brick in the wall” for New Zealand’s FTA coverage in Asia. Now only Japan and India are missing. But that analogy is not quite right – FTAs are meant to break down walls aren’t they? The agreement with...