Submission to MFAT by NZIBF on the proposed green economy join working group with Chile and Singapore

ABAC 18 – David Toua on the Pacific in Asia-Pacific
Remove From our #ABACUnwrapped series, David Toua speaks about key issues for Papua New Guinea and shared issues of importance across the Asia-Pacific region including inclusive growth and using digital technology to engage more people in the...
TPP: Slow and steady in Viña del Mar
Remove Progress among the ‘TPP-11’ was more tortoise than hare at a recent meeting in Chile attended by Trade Minister Todd McClay, along with fellow Ministers and senior officials, but included an important affirmation of ongoing support for regional economic...
TPP – where to from here (and how did we get here anyway)?
Remove Address to NZ institute for International Affairs, Wellington, 2 September 2015 – Stephen Jacobi, Executive Director, NZ International Business Forum. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you once again. At a time when many seem to have made up their...
Making sense of the TPP end game
Remove There’s an old Peggy Lee song – “If that’s all there is, then let’s keep dancin’”. That essentially was how the TPP negotiations ended up in Maui. The deal on the table was insufficient so Ministers decided to keep on talking. How did this happen? Going into...