Submission to MFAT by NZIBF on the proposed green economy join working group with Chile and Singapore

APEC Vision: David Dodwell
Remove APEC has some unfinished business, writes David Dodwell from Hong Kong (published in the South China Morning Post on 29 July 2019). No I did not spend last week in steamy Hangzhou simply to cruise the West Lake and hob-nob at sumptuous banquets. The real work...
IOD Interview: Stephen Jacobi – A mainstay in international trade
Remove The Institute of Directors recently interviewed NZIBF Executive Director, Stephen Jacobi. Originally published at the Institute of Directors website on Jul 19 2019 It’s nearly impossible to talk about New Zealand trade issues without mentioning the...
Why China Matters To New Zealand
Remove Stephen Jacobi explains more about the important relationship between China and New Zealand. China is our largest trading partner and second largest source of foreign investment. Not only that, but China is the largest economy in the world. Stephen Jacobi...
What is RCEP?
Remove The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Fiona Cooper explains...