
Agricultural subsidies by OECD members and major emerging economies have reached the level of USD 851 billion a year. They are not only financially wasteful, they are distorting global trade and impacting negatively on the environment. Some new research casts light on this perennial problem for NZ dairy trade. We need some creative thinking to level the playing field. NZIBF Executive Director Stephen Jacobi writes a blog for TradeWorks.

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Japan NZ Forum to focus on TPP and growth partnership

by | Sep 17, 2013 | Media Releases


The fourth Japan New Zealand Partnership Forum will be held in Tokyo on 26 September 2013, the NZ International Business Forum (NZIBF) announced today.

NZIBF Executive Director Stephen Jacobi said the Forum would enable senior business representatives from both countries to continue their discussion about ways to build a stronger partnership between the two countries.


“Japan’s entry into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations has the potential to transform New Zealand’s economic relationship with our fourth largest trade and investment partner. Japan’s strengthening economy, and prospects for further economic reform, also gives rise to new opportunities which have not been seen for a decade or more,” said Mr Jacobi.


“With TPP entering the end game, now is a good time to take up the discussion with our Japanese friends once more.”


Under the theme “Japan and New Zealand ? a partnership for growth” the Forum will be addressed by Japanese and New Zealand Ministers. The Forum would feature presentations by business leaders, a “Tastes of New Zealand and Japan” luncheon as well as a roundtable discussion.


The Partnership Forum is organised by NZIBF in close co-operation with the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo and partners in Japan. The Forum will once again be chaired for Japan by respected business leader Mr Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and CEO of ORIX Corporation. The former Head of the Prime Minister’s Department and former Ambassador to Japan, Sir Maarten Wevers, currently Chairman of the Earthquake Commission, will chair for New Zealand for the first time.


New Zealand companies exporting both goods and services to Japan will be involved at senior level alongside major corporations from Japan, many with investment in New Zealand. Sponsors of the Forum are ANZCO Foods, Asia NZ Foundation, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, Fonterra, Sealord, Nippon Suisan Kaisha and TJK New Zealand.


Japan is New Zealand’s fourth largest trading partner, with two-way trade totalling over NZ$6.2 billion in 2012. New Zealand and Japan enjoy healthy two way flows of investment with Japan being New Zealand’s fourth largest investor and fifth largest source of tourists.


Attendance at the Forum is by invitation only and discussion is held under the Chatham House rule.


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